
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development works closely with all sections of the industry supply chain from paddock to plate.

Western Australia grows a diverse range of top-quality horticultural crops from the Ord River Irrigation Area in the north, to the Gascoyne River at Carnarvon, the coastal sands near Perth and throughout the cooler south-west region.

Crops include tropical and temperate fruits, delicious vegetables and outstanding table wines. WA also leads the country in flower exports, mostly from our unique native flora.


  • Cauliflower and broccoli crops generally require multiple harvests to remove all marketable curds or heads. By improving the uniformity of plant maturation, crops can be harvested in a single pass.

  • Fruit must meet minimum quality levels to meet consumer expectations and encourage return purchases.

  • Smoke exposure of grapevines and the development of smoke-related characteristics in the resulting wines is an increasing issue for the wine industry.