Livestock & animals

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development supply chain support, research and development and rigorous biosecurity systems underpin the economic success of Western Australia’s livestock industries. In 2011/12, the WA livestock industries contributed 26% of the state’s agriculture, fisheries and forestry production, worth approximately $2 billion at the farm gate.

WA is a world leader in live exports, super fine wool production and dryland sheep and grain systems. Both cattle and sheep systems are focused on export markets to Asia and the Middle East. WA also has innovative, world-class integrated dairy and pork industries meeting local and South East Asian demand for safe, fresh milk and pork. The WA poultry industry is growing strongly as a result of increasing domestic consumption.

Global demand for high-quality, safe animal protein and products produced according to high animal welfare standards will continue to rise in coming years. Increasingly DAFWA will partner with industry -- locally, nationally and internationally -- in transformational business projects to capitalise on this demand.


  • The Department of Agriculture and Food (DAFWA) supports the growth of the state's agrifood sector in four key areas: markets, productivity, profitability and people.   Funded by the state governmen

  • The bush fly is a native insect that has affected the lives of Western Australians since before European settlement.

  • Land capability assessment is used to identify the potential for agricultural and non-agricultural land uses. It considers specific requirements of the land use and also identifies potenti

  • Chickens can be a great asset to any small landholding. They provide eggs, produce fertiliser, control insects and weeds, eat kitchen scraps and loosen soil while scratching.

  • As a landholder it is important to plan ahead for the coming season.

  • There are many different grazing methods used to improve productivity, maintain desirable pasture species and reduce land degradation.

  • Organic farming is a popular pursuit especially for small landholders interested in sustainable production.

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