Perth regions

The life of the broccoli crop is considered in three phases — establishment, rapid growth and maturation — and each phase has specific fertiliser requirements.

Fertiliser and cost savings are achieved in the 3Phase program by matching fertiliser application to crop demand.

Optimum irrigation with good quality water is needed to maximise yields of potatoes. Poor irrigation can lower yield, distort tubers and encourage development of some diseases.

Clubroot is caused by the pathogen Plasmodiophora brassicae. It affects plants of the brassica family which includes broccoli, broccolini, cauliflower, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, turnips and Brussels sprouts as well as weeds such as wild radish and wild turnip.

Scheduling irrigation requires an understanding of how much water your soil can hold and how much of that water your crop can use.

The amount of Readily Available Water (RAW) will vary with soil type, crop, rooting depth and irrigation system.

Western Australian citrus production is concentrated north and south of Perth and further north around Kununurra and Carnarvon.

Pollination is one of the keys to profitable apple production. As a general rule, apple varieties are not self-fertile and will not set a full crop without a compatible polliniser.

This list provides details of a number of consultants providing viticulture and winemaking services to the Western Australian wine industry.

Are you a small landholder who owns cattle, sheep, horses, goats, buffalo, deer, pigs, alpacas or llamas?

Do you only own one of these animals that you regard as a pet?

Do you have animals that you keep on someone else’s property?

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia (DPIRD) is responsible for the administration of the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 (BAM Act) and associated regulations.

Selecting the right rootstock for your orchard is one of the most important decisions you will have to make.

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