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A small decrease in soil pH represents a large increase in soil acidity.

The Carbon Farming and Land Restoration Program aims to realise agriculture's potential to sequester carbon, generate carbon credits and grow WA's carbon farming industry.

Pruning is a cultural practice involving the removal of tree branches and limbs.

Herbicides can be applied by a variety of means including boom sprayers, aerial spraying, misters, blanket wipers, rope wick applicators, weed seekers and back-pack sprayers.

This is a visual guide to a thorough chicken necropsy. Correct necropsy and sampling will increase the likelihood of a definitive diagnosis.

Herbicide resistance is the inherited ability of an individual plant to survive a herbicide application that would kill a normal population of the same species.

It is not always easy to identify the degree of dispersion or sodicity in soils. The choice of suitable management depends on knowing the soil sodicity and whether dispersion is a problem.

Artificial breeding is the use of technologies such as artificial insemination and embryo transfer. Artificial insemination (AI) involves placing semen directly into the uterus.

Aluminium toxicity in the subsurface is the major problem associated with soil acidity in Western Australia.

Nutrition is an important component of plant health. A nutrient deficiency will reduce a plant’s ability to complete its life cycle of producing flowers and fruits.