Reporting weeds using MyPestGuide® Reporter

Page last updated: Thursday, 20 April 2023 - 3:15pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

The general public, community and industry groups can use their mobile devices or computer to report weeds by selecting MyWeedWatcher from the drop-down list in MyPestGuide® Reporter.

Previously, landholders and community groups may have recorded weed observations using the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) app, MyWeedWatcher.

The previous app has now been incorporated into the MyPestGuide® Reporter application and online surveillance system. By doing this, DPIRD has standardised biosecurity reporting made by the public into a single source so users can easily find pest, weed and disease surveillance and monitoring results. These tools let users map weeds and record survey data. 

From now on, report all weeds by selecting ‘MyWeedWatcher’ from the drop-down project list when using the MyPestGuide® Reporter app or the online system. Images will be sent to the experts for verification, who will respond to your enquiry.  

Discover how to identify and report declared weeds: login or set up a new account on DIPRD's online training site.

Report a weed online or download the app


  • A simple photo reporting tool with GPS capability to map the location of a weed.
  • Works outside of mobile or Wi-Fi range.
  • Free for all Android and iPhone devices including tablets, phones and computer.


  • Learn more about weeds - receive weed identifications and control advice from experts.
  • Declared weeds and 'weeds of interest' are given priority.
  • Shared reports let others view local weeds in the community.
  • Reports help to prove both the presence and absence of weeds in the field.
  • Record your observations and keep them in your back pocket to monitor and control pests.
  • It helps your community team up with local biosecurity groups and DPIRD to undertake weed monitoring and surveillance in your area.

The information gathered by individuals using MyPestGuide® Reporter > ‘MyWeedWatcher’ will help inform community and DPIRD when important decisions on weed management are needed.

The data collected and stored in the MyPestGuide® database is also used to maintain Australia’s pest-free status, supports farm biosecurity and provides individual users a platform to participate in Australia’s wider pest monitoring and surveillance community.

For more information, visit

REMEMBER: select the ‘MyWeedWatcher’ project from the MyPestGuide® Reporter drop-down list when sending in your weed query.

We welcome all comments and suggestions from the weed reporting community.

Report your observations

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MyPestGuide® Reporter
Via app or online

Pest and Disease Information Service
(08) 9368 3080

Contact information

Pest and Disease Information Service (PaDIS)
+61 (0)8 9368 3080
Technical support - MyPestGuide®