Citrus industry in Western Australia

Page last updated: Friday, 26 May 2023 - 8:02am

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Western Australian citrus production is concentrated north and south of Perth and further north around Kununurra and Carnarvon.

Types of citrus

WA currently produces over 22 000 tonnes of citrus. Most production is sold on the local Perth market, with exports increasing.

The industry includes navels and Valencia oranges, mandarins, lemons, limes, tangellos and native citrus. The breakdown of the main citrus types grown in WA based on area planted is presented below.

Graph showing the percentage of different citrus fruit types grown in Western Australia
The main citrus fruit types grown in Western Australia

Production regions

WA citrus production regions extend from the South West at Walpole to Kunurrura in the north. Major regions are within a 250km radius of Perth.

Significant areas are near Dandaragan, Gingin and Harvey. Smaller plantings are in Kununurra, Carnarvon, Bindoon, Perth Hills and the South West.

Easy-peel mandarins, and navel and Valencia oranges are the main types grown in southern regions.

New plantings of seedless Valencia oranges and lemons are also building in volume. Further north in Carnarvon, navel oranges and red flesh grapefruit are the main varieties and red flesh grapefruit and limes are grown in Kununurra.

Seasonal windows for WA citrus
Seasonal windows for WA citrus categories.


Map showing areas of Western Australia where citrus crops are grown
Main areas of Western Australia where citrus crops are grown

The diversity of production zones and the range of varieties grown mean fresh WA citrus is available throughout the year.


Further information is available on this website on:

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development works with Citrus Australia, the national peak body for citrus, the Agricultural Produce Commission in Western Australia, and WA Citrus to support the citrus industry in Western Australia.