PestFacts WA

PestFacts WA is an informative and interactive reporting service on pests and diseases threatening crops and pastures throughout the grain belt of WA. Weekly news updates throughout the growing season provide readers with risk alerts, current information and advice.

PestFax Issue 8, 9 July 2020

Native budworm and diamondback moths are being found across the wheatbelt
Sclerotinia apothecia are being found

PestFax Issue 7, 2 July 2020

Native budworm and other moths are active
Bacterial blight and Septoria avenae blotch are appearing in oats

PestFax Issue 6, 25 June 2020

Cutworm caterpillars can cut crop and pasture plants off at ground level
Bluegreen and cowpea aphids are being found in the south
European earwigs can damage emerging crops

PestFax Issue 5, 11 June 2020

Diamondback moth caterpillars are in canola
Are you checking canola for false wireworm?
Lucerne flea
Aphid activity update
Mites are active
Monitor emerging crops for locusts and prepare for hatchings in Spring

PestFax Issue 4, 28 May 2020

Aphids are active
African black beetle larvae (cockchafers) found in emerging barley
Rutherglen and cotton seed bugs
Snails are laying eggs and black-keeled slugs are feeding
Fall armyworm management advice for broadacre crops is available online
Do you use the PestFax...

PestFax Issue 3, 14 May 2020

It is important to correctly identify mites as they can be mitey confusing
Desiantha and vegetable weevils are being found in canola
Non-pest insects can be confused for pests
Canola blackleg risk forecasts return for the 2020 cropping season
PestFax foliar disease webinar...

PestFax Issue 2, 30 April 2020

Caterpillars continue to cause concern
Vegetable beetles are damaging canola
First field pea blackspot disease forecast for WA is available online

PestFax Issue 1, 23 April 2020

Tips for checking germinating crops for caterpillars and other insect pests
2020 autumn winter insecticide spray guide is now available
Increased likelihood of sub clover red leaf syndrome in pastures
PestFax webinar recording is now live

PestFax Pre-season Issue, 9 April 2020

Early caterpillar activity is a concern for future emerging crops
Diamondback moth caterpillars are being found in the green bridge
Fall armyworm
Now is a good time to manage snails before egg laying occurs
Disease surveillance findings and preparing for the 2020 growing...

PestFax Issue 24, 8 November 2019

Final PestFax newsletter for 2019!
Predicting next year’s insect pests this harvest

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