Protecting WA crops

The DAFWA Crop Protection team have been busy updating the eWeed newsletter to bring you a bigger and better format: Protecting WA Crops.

Protecting WA crops is our new monthly eNewsletter providing agronomists and growers with an up-to-date review (including the latest research) of the weed, disease and pest threats that impact on crop production.

Protecting WA Crops May 2021 Issue 19

What is going on with Fall armyworm and Russian wheat aphid in Western Australia?
Controlling red legged earth mites using intensive spring grazing
Movement, breeding, baiting and biocontrol of Mediterranean snails
Know what is in your chaff?

Protecting WA Crops March 2021 Issue 18

•    Targeting improved partial resistance for foliar diseases of wheat using a new yield loss response curve tool  
•    Interactive disease yield loss tool 
•    Digging deeper with nodorum blotch
•    Yellow Spot 
•    Rusts (Stem, Leaf and Stripe Rust)
•    Leaf rust...

Protecting WA Crops May 2020 Issue 17

•    Weed seed banks-how long do they last?
•    Great brome and barley grass – modelling the long term value of harvest weed seed control
•    A new approach to managing loose smut on barley
•    ‘Give me a break!’ – options for paddocks infested with both root lesion nematodes...

Protecting WA Crops December Issue 16

•    Disease surveillance and reporting
•    Exotic pathogens 
•    Ramularia Leaf Spot (RLS) detected through surveillance program
•    Endemic pathogens
•    Virus surveillance
•    Spore trapping
•    PestFax Reporter and MyPestGuide Reporter - Which app do I use...

Protecting WA Crops November 2019 Issue 14

•    Management of weed seeds at harvest 
•    Harvest weed seed destruction/control
•    Factors affecting weed seed removal
•    Harvest weed seed destruction – Does it work for great brome and barley grass?
•    Summer weeds

Protecting WA Crops July 2019 Issue 13

•    What is wheat powdery mildew and how does it impact on WA crops?
•    Symptoms of wheat powdery mildew
•    Investigating WPM virulence

Protecting WA Crops October 2018 Issue 13

• Cereal root diseases identification snapshot
• Checking for root diseases
• Confirmation of diagnosis
• Common soilborne diseases which cause patchy cereal crops
• Common soilborne diseases which cause whiteheads in cereals
• PREDICTA B accreditation course
• Flow...

Protecting WA Crops August 2018 Issue 12

•    Root Lesion Nematodes: the invisible threat
•    What are Root lesion nematodes (RLN)?
•    Root lesion nematode distribution in WA
•    Diagnosing RLN in your paddocks
•    DDLS
•    Managing RLN
•    Are rotations offering breaks for RLN...

Protecting WA Crops July 2018, Issue 11

•    Apps and technologies issue
•    CropScout
•    SnapBait
•    SnapCard
•    Apps to manage Blackleg and Sclerotinia in Canola
•    Sclerotinia Imaging System
•    PestFax Reporter and MyPestGuide Reporter - Which app do I use to report pests with?
•    ...

Protecting WA Crops May 2018 Issue 10

Viruses survive in the green bridge
Aphid transmission
Pea seed-borne mosaic virus (PSbMV)
Bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV)
Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV)
Sub clover red leaf syndrome
Impact of insecticide use on severity of SCRLS – some grower observations

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