1080 and strychnine bait products

Page last updated: Thursday, 9 May 2024 - 8:26am

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Under the BAM Act, landholders - landowners and occupiers - are responsible for the control of foxes, wild dogs, feral pigs, rabbits and emus on their properties. 1080 and strychnine products are registered pest control products that require adherence to animal welfare regulations.

Everyone must ensure the use of the most humane method available to control declared vertebrate pest species, particularly when using 1080 and strychnine products

Foxes, wild dogs, feral pigs, rabbits and emus are declared under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007. 1080 and strychnine are restricted chemical products and the most common active ingredients in vertebrate pest bait and poison products in WA. 1080 and strychnine are Schedule 7 poisons under the Poisons Act and also class 6 toxic substances under the Dangerous Goods Safety Act

In Western Australia, the use and supply of 1080 (sodium fluoracetate) and strychnine to control foxes, wild dogs, feral pigs, rabbits and emus are bound by the Code of practice for the safe use and management of 1080, PAPP and strychnine. These products are only available after a baiting permit is granted by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development to authorised suppliers and users (including Licensed Pest Management Technicians) who are trained to handle, store and use it safely.

It is an offence to use these products without DPIRD approval or for any purpose contrary to the Directions for use supplied by the product.

An environmentally responsible option

1080 is a naturally-occurring toxin found in more than 30 species of native Australian plants. It is safe in the environment, as it dilutes into harmless compounds in water and gets eaten by the bacteria in the soil.

Many of Australia’s native wildlife have a natural tolerance to 1080, unlike introduced species. That is why 1080 is used for invasive species control and is considered the most environmentally responsible option currently available.

Watch this animation, produced by the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions, to learn more.

Product manufacturers and lay rates

Information on 1080 and strychnine registered bait products and the rates to be laid are described in the document: Rates of lay for 1080, PAPP and Strychnine products.

For information on how to access bait, poison and toxin (bait) products, training required, animal welfare considerations and legal requirements, see the Bait and poison directory for vertebrate pests in Western Australia.

Contact information

Pest and Disease Information Service (PaDIS)
+61 (0)8 9368 3080