Sheep management and reproduction

Page last updated: Friday, 15 July 2022 - 3:05pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Wool and sheepmeat production systems rely on the breeding ewe — how she is managed sets up the efficiency and profitability of both the ewe and weaner flock. Getting stocking rate right, weaner management, having the right infrastructure and an efficient use of labour are also big contributors to running an efficient and profitable sheep enterprise.

Stocking rate is the primary driver of profit from sheep flocks. However, the nutritional management of breeding ewes and the selection of replacement ewes are also key drivers of profit. The ewe is the ‘engine room’ for production of both wool and meat from sheep — how she is managed sets up the efficiency and profitability of both the ewe and weaner flock. Decisions on the time of lambing, ewe management, weaner management and preparation for joining must all be optimised if profit is to be maximised. Cost of production and labour efficiency convert those gains into profit per hectare.

The following pages provide information and advice on how to best manage your sheep enterprise during different times of the year. They include tactics for different seasons.

Contact information

Katherine Davies
+61 (0)8 9690 2169