Fremantle Marine Fish Hatchery

Page last updated: Wednesday, 14 September 2022 - 9:00am

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

The Marine Fish Hatchery at Victoria Quay in Fremantle was first established in 1993 and the facility and its staff were transferred to DPIRD in July 2018. The hatchery supplies commercial quantities of juvenile barramundi to Marine Produce Australia (part of the Barramundi Group) in Derby and have domesticated yellowtail kingfish broodstock populations for the emerging industry. Stock enhancement projects have also been undertaken through the hatchery in conjunction with WA’s peak recreational fishing body, Recfishwest, for black bream, snapper, mulloway, kingfish and prawns.


The Hatchery carries out research and development into yellowtail kingfish and barramundi nutrition, health and disease resistance with funding support from the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation and industry stakeholders. Current research projects focus on improving the health and production of warm water culture of yellowtail kingfish, including:

  • Optimising diets to improve immunity function
  • Vaccine development for disease management
  • Medicinal and prophylactic therapeutants for parasite infections.

A major focus of the group is the replacement of marine ingredients in aquafeeds through ultra-sustainable alternative ingredients that reduce or eliminate fish meal and fish oil inclusions in aquafeeds.


  • 2000m2 of enclosed area reticulated with air and water
  • Two saltwater bores supplying 25 litres per second of seawater each
  • 75 litre per minute oxygen generator
  • Four x 50 000 litre, controlled environment broodstock recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS)
  • Two 8 x 5000 litre (temperate and tropical) larval rearing systems
  • Two replicated bioassay research systems
  • Replicated 14 x 10 000 litre nursery system
  • High density live feed (zooplankton) culture rooms
  • Six 1-tonne live fish transport system with computer monitoring and life support
  • Seven tonne specialised live fish transport tank
  • Dedicated broodstock trailer
  • Three research laboratories.


The DPIRD Marine Fish Hatchery regularly collaborates with industry stakeholders and universities on various projects.


For more information on the facilities and R&D opportunities available at DPIRD’s Marine Fish Hatchery in Fremantle please contact:

P: +61 1300 374 731 (1300 DPIRD1) or +61 (0)8 9432 8000

Fremantle Marine Fish Hatchery
