
Fungi are eukaryotic (membrane bound nucleus) organisms that develop from reproductive bodies called spores. They can cause a number of diseases in animals and plants. As a disease of plants and animals, fungi are a risk for Western Australian primary producers as they impact upon market access and agricultural production.

WA is free from some of the world's major fungal diseases. Biosecurity measures on your property are vital in preventing the spread of fungal diseases.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development provides:

  • biosecurity/quarantine measures at the WA border to prevent the entry of fungal diseases.
  • where relevant post border biosecurity measures.
  • advice on widespread fungal diseases present in the state.

For advice on fungal diseases search our website, the Western Australian Organism List or contact our Pest and Disease Information Service (PaDIS).

For diagnostic services, please contact our Diagnostic Laboratory Services.


  • Rhizoctonia affected seedlings develop red-brown hypocotyl lesions as shown by the middle seedling

    Damping-off is seedling root and hypocotyl (seedling stem) disease that can be caused by a complex of Rhizoctonia, Fusarium and Pythium fungi.

  • Yellow areas on upper leaf surface

    A fungal disease infecting foliage of canola, it mainly affects seedlings and is rarely found beyond the rosette stage.

  • Kernels infected with grey-brown balls of fungal spores

    A fungal disease affecting wheat seed. Although rare, common bunt is the most serious of the smut diseases due to the zero tolerance for bunt at grain receival points.

  • Blackening of sub-crown internode in extreme cases

    A fungal root disease that is not common in Western Australia (WA) but can build up to damaging levels in continuous wheat crops.

  • Grains are replaced by brown-black balls

    A fungal disease affecting seed heads, which can cause yield losses and delivery penalties.


  • Hard, dry purple-black fungal bodies in place of grain in the seed head.

    A fungal disease that produces toxic fruiting bodies in cereal heads and for which there are strict receival standards in place.


  • Heads are partly or fully bleached.

    A rare fungal disease occurring mainly in high rainfall areas that can significantly reduce grain yield and quality and which produces toxins affecting marketability.


  • Light brown pustule on upper leaf surface that darken with age

    A fungal leaf disease specific to barley that can spread rapidly within and between crops causing yield losses of up to 45% in susceptible varieties.


  • Florets are replaced with a mass of dark brown-black powdery spores that blow away.

    A fungal disease affecting seed heads, which can cause yield losses and delivery penalties.


  • Scattered plants with black heads or bare flower stalks.

    A fungal disease affecting seed heads, which can cause yield losses and delivery dockages.

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