Domestic Market Pathways Program

Page last updated: Tuesday, 14 May 2024 - 7:51am

The Domestic Market Pathways Program gives Western Australian (WA) businesses the opportunity to build their capability and knowledge in the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods sector. The program is now open for applications.

Participants in Domestic Market Pathways Program will gain invaluable insights and tools to expand their sales within Australia. Led by industry experts, the program provides a deep dive into market expansion opportunities, including potential access to key buyers from both WA and the eastern states. Networking and relationship building are emphasised, allowing participants to connect with fellow food and beverage manufacturers also seeking business growth.

Participants will receive guidance on navigating the process of having their products stocked by major retailers. The program will address concerns about costs and price increases, and detail how to effectively pitch to buyers. 1-on-1 meetings with consultants are included to assist with business growth. Participants will also learn about the different areas and the opportunities in the food service channel.

There are many benefits of the Domestic Market Pathway Development Program.  Below are some of the areas covered in the program:

  • developing a national market vision and strategy
  • market and channel selection factors
  • market entry and distribution models
  • market overview
  • category overview
  • key channel overviews
  • selling to the majors, including category reviews
  • distribution and brokerage models
  • identifying key customers
  • 1-on-1 meetings to tailor your pitch development.

Who can apply

The Domestic Market Pathways Program is now open to food and beverage manufacturers who meet the criteria outlined in the application form. Applications are welcome from businesses which are:  

  • seeking to expand their sales within Australia
  • unsure of how to have their product stocked by retailers
  • concerned about costs and how to pass on price increases
  • interested in hearing from key retail and foodservice buyers.

Expressions of interest

Express your interest to participate in Round 2 of this program via Survey Monkey.