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Soil organic carbon is a measureable component of soil organic matter.

Supplementary feeding of sheep, with grain, hay or silage is necessary when pastures or stubbles are deficient in energy and protein.

There are many hundreds of species of spiders in Australia which play a beneficial role in our environment by eating insect pests.

Establishing a healthy, productive orchard requires planning and preparation.

European wasps are declared pests in Western Australia and must be reported. Learn about European wasp distinguishing features and behaviours.

Barber's pole worm (Haemonchus contortus) is a potentially harmful roundworm parasite of sheep which can cause a disease called haemonchosis.

Zadoks growth scale is a a 0-99 scale of development that is recognised internationally for research, advisory work and farm practice, particularly to time the application of chemicals and fertilis

Lucerne or alfalfa (Medicago sativa) is a deep-rooted, temperate, perennial pasture legume which is well adapted to mixed farming systems in southern Western Australia.

Herbicides play a vital role in integrated weed management programs.

This page describes symptoms and management of the major fungal and viral diseases affecting lupin foliage, stems and pods.