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To make sound decisions on managing saline sites, you need to know the source of salt, how salinisation is occurring, the landscape context, and most importantly, the actual salt concentration of t

The Western Australian Organism List (WAOL) provides the status of organisms which have been categorised under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 (BAM Act).

Keeping olive trees well-fed and adequately watered is the best initial defence against pests and diseases, since vigorous trees are better able to withstand attack and less likely to suffer long-t

This web article describes the most common diseases of citrus trees and their control using natural or low-toxic methods.

Herbicides can be applied by a variety of means including boom sprayers, aerial spraying, misters, blanket wipers, rope wick applicators, weed seekers and back-pack sprayers.

A small decrease in soil pH represents a large increase in soil acidity.

Numbers of slugs and snails have increased in broadacre cropping in Western Australia with the use of minimum tillage and stubble-retention practices.

It has been estimated that between one quarter and one third of the world grain crop is lost each year during storage. Much of this is due to insect attack.

Aluminium toxicity in the subsurface is the major problem associated with soil acidity in Western Australia.

Snails cause damage to citrus orchards by feeding on fruit and leaves. Snail management is a multi-step process that involves both cultural and chemical control.