DDLS - Animal pathology

DDLS – Animal pathology (formerly Animal Health Laboratories) is a service area under the DAFWA Diagnostic Laboratory Services (DDLS) - an amalgamation of DAFWA plant and animal laboratory and inspection services.

The DDLS – Animal pathology is a National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) accredited laboratory in the field of veterinary testing. This service provides effective and efficient laboratory capacity, policy input, research and testing for early diagnosis of notifiable diseases and verification for market access importation protocols for the state's livestock industries.

We undertake notifiable disease rule outs and support the investigation of more than 1000 stock disease incidents and 200 animal exports consignments annually. We research significant livestock diseases and improve and develop new tests to support for research on animal production.


  • Newcastle disease is a severe viral disease of poultry and other birds.

  • The Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 requires that certain diseases must be reported to the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) if they are kno

  • Selecting the right tube for the chosen blood test, taking sufficient samples, and careful handling of those samples gives DAFWA Diagnostic Laboratory Services (DDLS) pathologists the best chance o

  • The conventional method for brain removal involves sawing through the bone of the dorsal cranium and removing a cap of bone to expose the brain.

  • Below is a step-by-step guide for veterinarians produced by the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia for performing blood smears for diagnostic use.

  • Preventing lead residues in livestock protects human food safety and Western Australia's ongoing access to international markets.

  • Ovine campylobacteriosis is an infectious disease of breeding ewes causing abortion in late pregnancy. It is caused by the bacteria Campylobacter fetus ssp. fetus.

  • Pink eye or infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (IBK) is a common and contagious eye condition that affects cattle of all ages. It is most commonly seen in calves and young stock. 

  • Grass tetany is a highly fatal disease associated with low levels of magnesium in the blood.

  • Australia is free of scrapie, which is a fatal, progressive, degenerative disease of the central nervous system of sheep and goats.

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