Hillarys Shellfish Hatchery

Page last updated: Wednesday, 14 September 2022 - 8:55am

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

DPIRD’s Hillarys Shellfish Hatchery has been developed to undertake research into shellfish spat production and to supply small commercial quantities of new species to support farming trials and kick-start new initiatives.


Research at the hatchery is developing standard guidelines for the shellfish industry and potential investors regarding the most suitable tropical rock oyster species to grow in northern Australia, and the best techniques to farm them. The oyster is a fast grower and expected to perform well in northern tropical conditions, making it a good economic option for farmers to consider and potentially attracting investment to expand the industry.

One such initiative already is the tropical rock oyster project supported by the Cooperative Research Centre for Developing Northern Australia — a collaboration with industry partner Maxima Rock Oyster Company.  Brood oyster stock collected from Cone Bay in the Kimberley and Karratha in the Pilbara has been successfully bred by the aquaculture team at Hillarys Shellfish Hatchery. Pilot-scale batches of oyster spat have been supplied to trial sites in the Pilbara and the Kimberley to test the commercial viability of tropical rock oyster farming in these regions.


  • Microalgae laboratory
  • Shellfish larval culture systems
  • Temperature-controlled broodstock rooms
  • Land and ocean-based shellfish nursery systems.


For more information on the facilities and R&D opportunities available at Hillarys Shellfish Hatchery contact:

P: +61 1300 374 731 (1300 DPIRD1) or +61 (0)8 92030111
E: enquiries@dpird.wa.gov.au

Hillarys Shellfish Hatchery
