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MyCrop Oats

The MyCrop Oats app is the one stop shop for your oat agronomy needs and forms part of a suite of interactive crop agronomy tools.

The Diagnostic Tool quickly diagnoses a range of possible constraints based on real-time crop and paddock symptoms. It contains an extensive image and factsheet library for 66 in-crop constraints, helping accurate identification of constraints and possible management solutions. It covers a broad range of diseases, pests, nutrients deficiencies, herbicide damage symptoms and other management and environmental production issues.


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MyCrop Oats

The MyCrop Oats app contains the oat diagnostic tool. It is part of a suite of tools developed by the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia (DAFWA) also covering wheat, barley, canola, lupin and field pea crops. The tools are primarily designed to assist growers and agronomists diagnose and overcome constraints in broadacre grain crops. They have been designed for use in the paddock, allowing rapid diagnoses and response to crop problems.

Also bundled with the diagnostic tool are a range of related tools. These include the PestFax reporter that allows users to directly report the occurrence of pests and diseases to DAFWA. CropCheck contains information about when and how to monitor crops to ensure maximum crop productivity. The MyEconomic Tool helps users consider the financial impact of treating (or not treating) constraints present in their crops and compare different treatments.

The MyCrop diagnostic tools were developed by DAFWA with support from the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC).


  • Barley Diagnostic Tool - An interactive tool bringing crop diagnostics to the paddock.
  • Barley Variety Selector helps chose which barley variety to grow based on important agronomic traits.
  • CropCheck crop monitoring information helping growers identify and respond to crop problems early.
  • PestFax Reporter allows occurrences of pests and diseases to be quickly reported to the PestFax editor at DAFWA and follow up requested.
  • MyEconomic Tool helps assess the financial impact of various crop treatment options.
  • Contains an extensive image library and factsheets for the 83 most common problems identified in Western Australian barley crops.
  • Operates outside mobile or Wi-Fi range.
iPhone shell
myCrop Oats Screenshot