Candle bush control

Page last updated: Monday, 15 February 2016 - 5:29pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Control methods for candle bush (Senna alata) a declared pest in Western Australia.

Report the presence of this pest before undertaking control

Information about this pest can be found on the candle bush: declared pest page.

Chemical requirements

When using any agricultural chemicals please ensure that you always follow instructions on the label and any permit. Users of agricultural chemical products must always strictly comply with the directions on the label and the conditions of any permit. To view permits or product labels go to the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority website.

Control options

No control measures are registered for this weed, however the treatments for Senna tora, S. pendula, S. obtusifolia, Senna x floribunda could apply. Chemical control options can be found below.

Chemical control options

Recommended herbicides

Picloram + triclopyr

Picloram + triclopyr (Group I) (various trade names: see APVMA link)

Active ingredient

Picloram 100g/L + triclopyr 300g/L

Rate of product/ha

  1. 0.25L  Plants less than 15cm
  2. 0.50L  Plants 15–30cm
  3. 1.00L  Plants  30–40cm

Wetting agent

Non ionic such as BS-1000 @ 100mL/100L water


Apply as high volume spray 200–400L water/ha

More information and other control measures

  • Do not apply to podding plants.
  • Also the product Grazon Extra containing 8g/L aminopyralid in addition to 100g/L picloram + 300g/L triclopyr.
  • The product Access could also be tested at 1:60 in distillate as a cut stump or basal bark treatment.

Picloram + triclopyr (Group I)  (various trade names: see APVMA link)

Active ingredient

Picloram 75g/L + 2,4-D 300g/L

Rate of product/ha

  1. 1L  Plants less than 15cm
  2. 2L  Plants 15–30cm
  3. 3L  Plants  30–40cm

Wetting agent

Non ionic such as BS-1000 @ 100mL/100L water


Apply as a high volume spray 200–400L water/ha

More information and other control measures

Spot treatment

  1. 0.5%   Plants less than 15cm
  2. 1.0%   Plants 15–30cm
  3. 1.5%   Plants  30–40cm
  • Glyphosate could be tested at 1:1 for cut stump or neat for stem injection, using 1-2mL per cut (5cm) wide and 13cm spaces. Stem cuts should be made downwards to hold the injected chemical.
  • Hexazinone could also be used on plants in areas where no movement of the herbicide by drainage.

Contact information

Pest and Disease Information Service (PaDIS)
+61 (0)8 9368 3080