The Application Programming Interfaces (API) available through this link provides the information required for you to Integrate the RADAR estimated rainfall data within your applications.

Please be aware of the Terms and Conditions for use of DPIRD APIs.

The OpenAPI-based documentation for the Radar API v2 is available at

The Radar APIs' provide registered users the ability to retrieve data to embed within their own applications utilising an industry standard data exchange mechanism.

The data can be retrieved in JSON and XML formats.



The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development makes this material available on the understanding that users exercise their own skill and care with respect to its use. Before relying on the material in any important matter, users should carefully evaluate the accuracy, completeness and relevance of the information for their purposes and should obtain appropriate professional advice relevant to their particular circumstances. Changes in circumstances after a document is placed on the internet may impact on the accuracy of the information. Additionally, materials may be maliciously vandalised. No assurance is given as to the accuracy of any information or advice contained after publication on the internet.

By accessing information at or through this site, each user waives and releases the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development and the State of Western Australia and its servants to the full extent permitted by law from any and all claims relating to the usage of the material made available through the API. In no event shall the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development or the State of Western Australia be liable for any incident or consequential damages resulting from use of the material.

Whilst the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development make every effort to provide accurate data in a timely fashion, we are not able to guarantee the availability of data at all times.

Due to remoteness and harsh environments the weather stations may be submitted to, there are times when we may not receive any data. In future we will attempt to derive some of the missing data.

Users of the APIs must be cognisant of these restrictions.