Agribusiness Food & Trade

The Western Australian (WA) Government is committed to supporting the growth and development of the agriculture, fisheries and food industries for the benefit of the State.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s Agribusiness, Food and Trade area works in partnership with government, industry and business to enable growth in the value, competitiveness and diversification of WA’s agrifood sector through facilitation of value adding, investment and export.

It facilitates this by:

  • enabling investment
  • enabling agribusiness development
  • trade market access and export development
  • food promotion and development
  • agribusiness knowledge and strategic insights.


  • The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development's (DPIRD) network of automatic weather stations and radars throughout the state provide timely, relevant and local weather data to assi

  • The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) builds the capacity of Aboriginal people to become entrepreneurs, skilled employees and leaders through bespoke projects and ta

  • Western Australia has an enviable food safety record underpinned by widespread uptake of food safety programs.

  • The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development's (DPIRD) network of automatic weather stations and radars throughout the state provide timely, relevant and local weather data to assi

  • The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development operates a sensitive sites service to identify the locations of sensitive commercial production systems across Western Australia's agri

  • Coexistence: Existing in mutual tolerance; Everyone’s Responsibility

  • The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development supports initiatives that align with our vision, purpose and priorities as outlined in our Strategic Intent 2018–21.

  • The department has released a report outlining how Western Australian farm businesses can adapt and become investment-ready to grow the agri-food sector into a premium supplier to Asian food market

  • The Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia supports the growth of Western Australia’s agrifood sector in four key areas: markets, productivity, profitability and people.

  • The Industry Grants for International Competitiveness (IGIC) program is a component of the