Ciara Beard
Research Scientist
Ciara Beard

My role in the department

Ciara is a plant pathologist based in the Geraldton Port Zone. She conducts research in the field and laboratory to improve understanding of how disease contraints affect the yield and quality of broadacre crops such as wheat, barley, lupins and canola. Ciara develops integrated disease management strategies, and extends this information via online publications, field days, crop updates and other channels to benefit the WA grains industry. Research Gate:


Contact information

+61 (0)8 9956 8504

My background

Ciara has over 20 years experience in researching broadacre crop protection issues and effectively extending research results to industry. She is a respected researcher and source of plant pathology information in the Geraldton Port Zone, within WA and across Australia. On joining DPIRD (previously DAFWA) in 2001, Ciara had a brief role in farming systems and economics before moving into plant pathology research and extension, where she remains. Ciara's skillset includes designing and implementing field and laboratory experiments; diagnosing disease problems in cereals, canola and lupins; giving advice, presenting research results to growers and consultants on effective use of fungicides and other strategies to manage disease; and extension of research results.


  • Disease surveillance and related diagnostics for the Australian grains industry (Western region) GRDC and DPIRD funded project; DAW2104-003RTX
  • Sclerotinia management for narrow leaf lupin crops in Western Australian farming systems, GRDC and DPIRD funded project with Mingenew Irwin Group and CCDM; DAW2104-002RTX

Key Expertise

Cereal pathology, foliar disease, sclerotinia in canola and lupins, grains research, communication


  • BSc in Agriculture with Honours, University of Western Australia, 2001
  • Diploma of Project Management, North Metropolitan TAFE, WA, 2018

My articles
