
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development has significant direct investment in grains research, development and extension capability and activities, research infrastructure and policy development.

The Western Australian grains industry is a major contributor to the agrifood sector and the Australian economy. WA produces on average 18 million tonnes of grains (cereals, oilseeds and pulses) each year. Grain exports generate more than $5.9 billion (five year average) for the WA economy each year – making it the largest agricultural sector in the state, and the fifth largest export industry overall after iron ore, oil and gas, gold and lithium.

WA exports about 80% of its annual grain production to more than 50 countries worldwide. Indonesia is WA’s top wheat export market worth over $880 million per year, followed by China ($750 million) and Vietnam ($610million) over the last five years. WA is the world’s leading supplier of premium malting barley to Japan, China and India, the major supplier of wheat for the Japanese udon noodle market, and a major feed barley supplier to the Middle East.

In the 2021/22 season it is estimated the WA grains industry exported a total of $6 billion of cereals and $3.2 billion of pulse and oilseeds. The major contributors to these exports were wheat ($3.9 billion), canola ($3.0 billion), barley ($1.4 billion), lupins ($200 million) and oats ($160 million).

Grains Research and Industry Development Projects

DPIRD strives to provide essential knowledge and tools to increase profitability, meet market requirements, and improve the economic development of WA.

Research is undertaken in collaborative projects with other state government agencies, universities, CSIRO, grower groups, growers, and commercial partners.

DPIRD Grains priority projects

2024 Crop Sowing Guide for WA

The Crop Sowing Guide for Western Australia is a one stop shop for variety information on all the major crops grown in Western Australia, compiled by officers in DPIRD.

This edition includes the major crops grown in WA – wheat, barley, canola, oat, lupins and pulses. The publication aims to provide information to support growers with decisions on the best choice of variety for each of the major crops for the upcoming season. The lupin and pulse sections also include an “agronomy guide” summary to support management decisions required for these high value industries.

Hardcopies of the 2024 Crop Sowing Guide for Western Australia are available from DPIRD offices and other agribusiness outlets. Learn more


  • Dark brown spots that elongate and produce dark brown net-type streaks

    Net-type net blotch is a stubble-borne fungal foliar disease occurring more frequently in the medium and high rainfall areas of the WA wheatbelt. It can reduce grain yield and quality.

  • Roots stunted, short and stubby with few laterals.

    A widespread fungal root disease that attacks seedlings but which rarely causes large yield losses.


  • Light flecking on younger leaves that become more severe on older leaves

    A physiological condition associated with the presence of rust resistance genes in some wheat varieties that causes leaf damage. Yield impact is unknown.


  • Yellow stripes that turn brown and eventually die.

    A very rare fungal disease that is most often found in irrigated barley.


  • Bleached often diamond shaped lesions with dark brown edge

    A stubble and seed-borne fungal foliar disease occurring more frequently in high rainfall cooler areas that can cause grain yield losses up to 45% and reduce grain quality.

  • This report outlines the work undertaken by the Grains, Seeds and Hay Industry Funding Scheme for bedstraw eradication during the 2013/14 financial year.

  • Stubble management on raised beds should specifically be focussed on reducing the build-up of stubble in the furrows.

  • Yellowing of leaf margins that progresses inwards generally between leaf veins with some mottles

    Manganese toxicity is rare in WA, but may occur on acidic heavy soils with high manganese levels.


  • Later maturing variety is more affected

    Spring drought refers to plant water stress from insufficient rainfall or stored soil moisture from bud formation to maturity.

  • Reduced emergence and smaller plants that die earlier near saline areas

    Salinity affects plant growth by reducing the root's ability to extract water from the soil. Salinity damage varies from season to season due to variations in the soil salt concentration.

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