
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development works closely with the vegetable industry to promote growth through better market access, developing integrated pest management programs and improving water and fertiliser use efficiency.

Vegetable production in Western Australia had a farm gate value of about $336 million in 2013, with the total industry value being $909 million. Most crops are grown for local consumption, apart from carrots, which are exported year-round to South East Asia and the Middle East.

The main growing areas are in the South-West, especially the Swan Coastal Plain from Gingin to Busselton, and around Manjimup and Albany.


  • Mites of the Tetranychidae family (commonly known as spider mites) include some important pests of economic concern to agriculture and forestry.

  • African black beetle (Heteronychus arator), is native to southern Africa. It has been present in Western Australia since the 1930s and occurs in the wetter coastal regions.

  • Garden weevil (Phlyctinus callosus) was accidentally introduced into Western Australia from South Africa.

  • This page summarises information on the status of plant and bee-related pest risk analyses prepared by the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia.