Production & postharvest

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development contributes to the productivity, profitability and sustainability of plant-based agriculture. From broad scale dryland cropping systems to intensive irrigated production, we work with industry and business to address challenges in plant production through research and development, knowledge transfer and government policy settings.


  • Summer weeds can rob subsequent crops of soil nitrogen and stored soil water. They can also reduce crop emergence by causing physical and/or chemical interference at seeding time.

  • Soil organic carbon (SOC) is inherently low in Western Australian soils – limited by climate and soil type – with some potential to increase through management.

  • The Stocktake of Carbon Farming forum was hosted by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development in Perth on Thursday, 10 February 2022.

  • Serious grain losses at harvest reduce the profitability of crops. Grain can be lost at a number of places during harvest.

  • Limiting erosion and stabilising your paddocks will be a priority after a fire.

  • Interest in irrigation management in vegetable production in the South West of Western Australia has increased in recent years.

  • The Australian National Mango Breeding Program was initiated in 1994 between four state, territory and federal agricultural organisations.

  • Three new mango varieties have been developed by the National Mango Breeding Program (NMBP). NMBP-1243 is a hybrid cross between Irwin and Kensington Pride (KP).

  • Claying involves adding and incorporating clay-rich subsoil into water repellent topsoil to overcome the repellence.

  • The Weed Seed Wizard is a computer simulation tool that helps you understand and manage weed seedbanks on your farm.

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