Season 2024: information for WA farmers

Page last updated: Friday, 21 June 2024 - 5:05pm

The Season 2024 webpage contains seasonally relevant information and management options in the broadacre and south-west agricultural areas along with the Southern Rangelands of Western Australia.

Latest updates and advice

  • Drought Response hotline 1300 489 832 now available for farmers impacted by drought conditions to receive real time assistance and connection to relevant services.

The Western Australian (WA) Government announced a $8.6 million funding package to support agricultural industries and rural communities impacted by the current drought conditions.

Interest-Free Loans

Applications are now open for the interest-free loans. Farm businesses can apply for $25,000 to cover the costs of stockfeed, water and transportation. The funds can also be used to establish feed silos, water tanks and improved irrigation systems or any other infrastructure that supports drought resilience. Applications close 30 November 2024 (or when funds are exhausted). 

Hardship Support Grants 

Applications for the $5000 hardship grant are now closed as funding has been fully committed. 


Climate and water

  • If you think you are likely to become water deficient within the next 4 weeks, discuss your situation with your Local Government Authority (LGA), or contact the DWER rural water planning team on 1800 780 300, or visit DWER’s Rural water planning webpage.
  • Where on-farm and strategic community water resources are not available, stock water can be obtained from regional Shire fixed standpipes. Refer to Water Corporation information and standpipe maps for Great Southern and South West.
  • The rainfall outlook for June to August is mostly neutral for southern WA. See the Bureau’s seasonal outlook video for details and check monthly updates to the Seasonal Climate Outlook.
  • Weather Matters is a video series featuring Bureau of Meteorology WA manager for hazard preparedness and response James Ashley and DPIRD climate research scientist Meredith Guthrie. Viewers can send in questions for Meredith and James by emailing

Funding and support

Funding and support services information and contacts are available to assist people in rural WA areas. 

Seasonal management information

Funding and support services

Support services available to assist rural people in stressful situations can be found on WA's rural support services webpage and directory. These include: 

For resources and information on grants and funding available to assist growers, pastoralists and industry, please refer to the Funding and support information.

Horticulture producers in the Warren-Donnelly region of WA can apply for funding to improve their water security. See the Southern Forests Infrastructure Support Scheme WA.  




South West & Great Southern

Kelly Hill


Brendan Nicholas


Juana Paynter

Gascoyne & Mid West

Christine Zaicou-Kunesch

Water Richard George

Hardship Support Grants & Loans (business hours only)

or (08) 9368 3082
