Value adding to truffles in Western Australia - Grower Group R&D Grants Program

Page last updated: Thursday, 25 October 2018 - 10:54am

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

The Grower Group Research and Development (R&D) Grants Program awarded $6.7 million to 16 grower groups across Western Australia in its inaugural round. The grants are administered by the Department of Agriculture and Food, WA (DAFWA) and supported by Royalties for Regions. 

Value adding to truffles in Western Australia
Organisation: Truffle Producers of Western Australia Inc
Grower Group R&D Grant amount: $360,000

Truffles are an emerging industry in the South West of Western Australia. In 2015, WA producers represented 80 per cent of Australian production. 

However, fresh truffles have a short shelf-life of two to three weeks, and a short season of only three months over winter.

Manjimup-based food processors Fresh Produce Alliance and Truffle Producers of Western Australia Inc have joined together to investigate new methods to create unique truffle products with an extended shelf-life, while maintaining quality and taste.

This research will allow consumers to enjoy the gourmet delicacy for longer, and create new high-value market opportunities for Western Australian truffle producers.

The $17.4 million Grower Group R&D Grants Program is a major component of the Agricultural Sciences R&D Fund managed by DAFWA.

For the latest updates from across all the grant projects, check out DAFWA's Facebook and Twitter accounts #GGgrants

Contact information

Agricultural Sciences R&D Fund
