
The life of the celery crop is considered in three phases — establishment, rapid growth and maturation — and each phase has specific fertiliser requirements.

Fertiliser and cost savings are achieved in the 3Phase program by matching fertiliser application to crop demand.

The Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (known as DRFAWA) commenced as of 1 November 2018 and provide a range of measures designed to help those within disaster affected communities. 

Don’t send water and fertiliser dollars down the drain. When it comes to irrigation systems, one size does not fit all.

Finding the right system and irrigation schedule for your small property will save you water, time and money.

Scheduling irrigation requires an understanding of how much water your soil can hold and how much of that water your crop can use.

The amount of Readily Available Water (RAW) will vary with soil type, crop, rooting depth and irrigation system.

Irrigation is one of the most important factors in producing a good yield of quality citrus. Without correct scheduling, your orchard is more susceptible to nutrient deficiencies, physiological disorders, pests and diseases.

Western Australian citrus production is concentrated north and south of Perth and further north around Kununurra and Carnarvon.

Rangeland surveys in Western Australia provide land managers, advisers and administrators with a baseline inventory of the existence and condition of the area’s resources to assist with planning and implementing land management.

DAFWA provides data and information on current season through its network of automatic weather stations and seasonal climate forecasts through the Statistical Climate Information system.

Officers of the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) assess rangeland condition to provide advice on planning and managing grazing pressure on leases, and for requirements of the Soil and Land Conservation Act 1945 and the Land Administration Act 1997

There are many benefits from monitoring and assessing pastoral rangeland condition, and monitoring is done at several levels to meet the needs of rangeland managers, researchers and government administrators.

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