100%+ Club

Page last updated: Thursday, 9 March 2017 - 11:25am

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

The 100%+ Club celebrates the success, expertise and contribution of Western Australia’s leading sheep producers who achieve a whole-farm average marking percentage of at least 100%, assisting to rebuild the state’s flock to a sustainable level.

To keep the Western Australian sheep industry alive we need to boost lamb marking percentages which in turn increases both farm and industry profits – more lambs make good cents! At a sheep industry leaders’ forum it was unanimously agreed to set a marking target, support sheep producers to achieve it and celebrate those who do.

Average marking percentages for Merino flocks across the state are about 80%. Our leading producers are achieving in excess of 100% and prime lamb producers with their finger on the pulse are achieving above 120%.

Results like these can be achieved by focusing on a few key management actions at critical points in the reproductive cycle such as lambing, condition scoring and feed budgeting.

The 100%+ Club recognises those high achievers who attain marking rates of at least 100% to share their knowledge and expertise with other producers to secure the future of our sheep industry.

Since it's inaugural year in 2012, almost 100 business have nominated to be part of the 100%+ Club. Each year, an awards dinner is held to recognise members, allowing members to network and hear from their peers and industry professionals.

Past presentations have included those from Jason Trompf, Beth Paganoni, David Lindsay as well as WA food ambassador, Don Hancey.

Producers have also shared their own experiences in marketing their own brand of meat, as well as sharing their knowledge about critical factors in their enterprise that contribute to high lamb marking percentages.

Members have also embarked on a tour of live export feedlot and live export vessel, and have been given free or discounted registration to events and training such as Sheep Updates.

In August 2016, a group of 100%+ Club members joined the 'on-farm technology pilot group' on a trip to Albury and Wagga to attend Lambex 2016 and visit producers, industry and research institutions during a post-conference tour. Funding for the tour is made possible by the Royalties for Regions funded Sheep Industry Business Innovation project.

A report from the Lambex trip is available for download.

Who is eligible?

Producers who:

  • have a minimum flock size of 500 ewes (any breed)
  • reach 100% lamb marking across an entire breeding ewe flock (excluding ewe lambs)
  • consent to providing information for verification and further analysis of factors in achieving high lamb marking.

Nominees may be approached to provide a case study for wider circulation.

For more information contact our 100%+ Club Coordinator Katherine Davies.


Katherine Davies