Mid West

The Sandstone – Yalgoo – Paynes Find area rangelands were surveyed between 1992 and 1993.

Land conservation district committees (LCDCs) are statutory committees appointed by the Commissioner of Soil and Land Conservation in Western Australia, to administer land conservation districts in accordance with an Order proclaimed by the Governor.

Shallow relief drains are relatively cheap and easy to construct, and are effective at removing surface water from flooded or ponding land. Removing static surface water reduces waterlogging and groundwater recharge and improves productivity of the soil.

Open groundwater drains are excavated channels with sloping floors and sides, designed to intercept and drain surface (usually fresh) and groundwater (usually saline in Western Australia) from agricultural land.

Natural or constructed grassed waterways can be used to safely move surface water across the landscape, handle water flow into and out of dams, the end of grade banks and other surface water disposal structures.

Grade banks are used to intercept and divert surface water run-off into storage or waterways, to limit soil erosion. Grade banks are usually designed as a set in the middle and upper slopes of hills that have a slope of 2% to 10%.

Cabbage and turnip aphids are relatively minor pests of cabbages in both Indonesia and Western Australia.

Protecting Western Australian citrus orchards from pests and diseases that could significantly affect their production and therefore the availability of citrus is an important activity of growers, industry and the government.

The life of the celery crop is considered in three phases — establishment, rapid growth and maturation — and each phase has specific fertiliser requirements.

Fertiliser and cost savings are achieved in the 3Phase program by matching fertiliser application to crop demand.

The life of the lettuce crop is considered in three phases — establishment, rapid growth and maturation — and each phase has specific fertiliser requirements.

Fertiliser and cost savings are achieved in the 3Phase program by matching fertiliser application to crop demand.

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