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Final chance to have say on the review of WA’s biosecurity laws

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Thursday, 25. May 2023 - 13:45

Western Australians can have their say on the opportunities for reform identified by the independent panel reviewing the State’s vital biosecurity legislation.

The Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 (BAM Act) is one of WA’s most important pieces of legislation, providing the means to address harmful pests and diseases that can impact WA industries, the environment and our lifestyle.

Review panel chair Kaylene Gulich said following an extensive consultation process, the third and final comment period was now open.

“The Stage 3 public comment period will be the last opportunity to provide input into this once-in-a-decade review,” Ms Gulich said.

“The review panel has already consulted widely with people, industry and communities around the State, from the Kimberley in the State’s north, down to Esperance on the south coast as well as Perth, Albany and Carnarvon, to identify the challenges and opportunities represented by the Act.”

At the completion of its review, the panel will provide recommendations to the Western Australian Government.

Interested stakeholders are encouraged to download and read the independent review panel’s Stage 3 discussion paper at the Talking Biosecurity website

Stakeholders can provide their thoughts on the identified opportunities for reform by completing the online survey by 30 June 2023.

The BAM Act sets the framework for WA’s biosecurity systems, the use of agricultural and veterinary chemicals, and ensuring safe and quality agricultural products.

“It is important that as many people as possible have input into this review to ensure WA has the best possible biosecurity legislation to safeguard our industries, environment and lifestyle,” Ms Gulich said.

“This is our opportunity to make sure WA is positioned to respond to whatever pest or disease challenges we might face in a world of increasing biosecurity risks.”


Media contacts:

Megan Broad/Jodie Thomson, media liaison            +61 (0)8 9368 3937/3137