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Opportunities increase for Indigenous pastoral enterprises

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Wednesday, 8. April 2015 - 9:15

A new officer has been appointed to work with Indigenous pastoral enterprises in the Kimberley and Pilbara, as part of the Northern Beef Futures (NBF) project.

Dave Barker recently commenced at the Department of Agriculture and Food’s Broome office as the Indigenous Supply Chain officer.

NBF is a four-year $15 million project led by the department and made possible by the Royalties for Regions program.

NBF project leader Brad McCormick said he was pleased to welcome Mr Barker to the team.

NBF aims to transform the northern beef sector to become a more prosperous and resilient pastoral industry.

“An important part of this project is to develop and integrate Indigenous pastoral supply chains,” Mr McCormick said.

“Dave will work with Indigenous pastoral enterprises to increase economic development and participation.”

Mr Barker has experience in natural resource management and working with Indigenous ranger groups throughout the Kimberley in his previous role at the Kimberley Land Council.

The position is also supported by the Indigenous Landholder Service (ILS), a joint venture between the department and Indigenous Land Corporation.

ILS project manager Mark Chmielewski said well-established networks through the ILS would be used to help Indigenous pastoral business operators identify broader opportunities within the burgeoning beef sector.

Mr Barker said he looked forward to building relationships with all Indigenous pastoral enterprises in the Kimberley and Pilbara.

“I will initially be visiting stations to get to know the owners and work with them to increase the capacity and efficiency of their stations,” Mr Barker said.

As the project progresses, Mr Barker will organise Indigenous training and workshop activities and assist station owners to build-up capacity.

Mr Barker can be contacted on +61 (0)8 9194 1440 or

More information on Northern Beef Futures is available here

Indigenous Supply Chain Officer Dave Barker
Indigenous Supply Chain Officer, Dave Barker, looks forward to meeting station owners and working with indigenous pastoral enterprises in the Kimberley and Pilbara.

Media contact: Jodie Thomson/Lisa Bertram, media liaison +61 (0)8 9368 3937