

Support services available to assist primary producers affected by dry seasonal conditions

January Bureau of Meteorology rainfall outlook map showing below average rainfall for WA
The three month climate outlook for large parts of WA is for below average rainfall, which may place pressure on agribusinesses that experienced a dry growing season. A range of support measures are available to assist farm and pastoral businesses, including financial, water provision and wellbeing services.

2019 has been a difficult season for many throughout Western Australia with variable rainfall impacting on production and profitability.

A range of Federal and State assistance measures are in place (see below) to support farmers and pastoralists experiencing hardship, as a result of seasonal pressures.

Western Australia does not have a drought declaration system so no formal declaration needs to be made to access these services.

The Federal Government’s National Drought Policy aims to build resilience to climate variability and dry season pressures, specifically through bolstering risk management practices and enhancing long-term preparedness.

Support service directory

Financial support

Farm Hub

A website that harnesses information about Commonwealth and State/Territory assistance (includes Drought Loans, Farm Investment Loans, Farm Household Allowance)


Farm Household Allowance

Assists farming families experiencing financial hardship with income to maintain their household

13 23 16 or 1800 612 004


Drought Loans &

Farm Investment Loans


Low interest loans for businesses to improve the strength, resilience and profitability  of their businesses (provided by the Regional Investment Corporation)

1800 875 675


Rural Financial Counselling Service WA

Free financial counselling service to assist primary producers

1800 612 044

Farm Debt Mediation Scheme

Assists farm and pastoral businesses and financial institutions to resolve disputes about business financial arrangements, through a low cost and non-legal form of mediation

1800 198 231

Farmer Assistance Hotline

Income support programs for farmers and rural small businesses

13 23 16




CWA of WA Drought Assistance


Funds for household expenses

9321 6041

Water Support

National On-farm Emergency Water Infrastructure Rebate Scheme

Rebates of 25% up to a maximum of $25,000 for the purchase and installation of new water infrastructure and equipment to eligible commercial livestock farmers and pastoralists

1800 780 300

Community Water Supply Program

Grants of up to $100,000 available for community water supply development and improvements in dryland agricultural areas receiving <600mm average annual rainfall

1800 780 300

Management of Strategic Community Water Supplies

Network of strategic community water supplies in WA dryland agricultural areas to provide emergency stock water

1800 780 300

Water Deficiency Declarations

Emergency water for livestock provided by the State government carted to a central point, coordinated via local shires

1800 780 300

Farm Water Supply Planning Scheme

Rebates of up to $1000 for commercial broadacre farmers experiencing water shortages to fund an audit of farm water supply and potential improvements

1800 780 300



24 hour crisis support, suicide prevention and mental health support services

13 11 14

Regional Counselling

Counselling for individuals, couples and families experiencing challenges 

to help them cope, improve wellbeing and identify options

Click here for local counselling services


Regional Men’s Health Initiative

Provides support and education services to regional men, communities and health services

9690 2277 (office hours)

Women’s Information Service

Provides information and referrals regarding health, finances, legal matters, counselling and domestic crisis

1800 199 174

Other information

Western Australia’s rural health, financial & information services support directory

Contacts for a range of 24 hour support, financial and family counselling, health, emergency and ancillary services



If you cannot find the assistance or support you require please contact your local DPIRD office or call (08) 9368 3334 or email

For more information contact Christine Thompson, senior policy officer, Katanning on +61 (0)8 9821 3223.