
PestFacts WA

Australian plague locusts are being found in low numbers

  • Moora
  • Kondinin
  • Kulin
Australian plague locust.
An adult Australian plague locust. Photo courtesy of: DPIRD

Wayne Birch (Landmark) reports low levels of Australian plague locusts (APL) in the Moora area. The APL are at the second to third instar stage.

Ben Whisson (ConsultAg) has noticed APL activity in paddocks between Kulin and Kondinin, especially in paddocks that still have melons and other green weeds present.

DPIRD biosecurity officers are carrying out autumn surveys for APL. Preliminary surveys suggest that activity is isolated to paddocks which have been green over the February to March period.

Growers who are seeding pasture in paddocks where APL are present may need to monitor germinating pasture or put in controls prior to sowing.

APL activity can be reported to the PestFax team via the PestFax Reporter app.

For insecticide information visit the department’s Australian plague locust control: registered insecticides.

More APL information can be found at the department’s Diagnosing locusts and grasshoppers in crops and Australian plague locust: overview pages.

For more information contact Svetlana Micic, Research Officer, Albany on +61 (0)8 9892 8591.
