Expressions of Interest - IFS Committee membership

Page last updated: Monday, 8 July 2024 - 4:19pm

Expressions of interest (EOI) to be appointed as a Committee Member of the Industry Funding Scheme (IFS) Management Committees will open at 8:00am, 25 June 2024 and close at 8:00pm, 31 July 2024.

Expressions of Interest: Industry Funding Scheme (IFS) Management Committee Member

The Industry Funding Scheme (IFS) addresses agricultural pest and disease threats in Western Australia that align with industry priorities. An Industry Management Committee (IMC) consists of dedicated producers and growers who manage the three IFS schemes.

Western Australian producers and others involved in the beef, dairy, grain, seed, hay, sheep and/or goat industries or supply chains are encouraged to apply for positions on the three IFS committees listed below:

Expressions of interest (EOI) to be appointed as a Committee Member will:

  • open at 8:00am, 25 June 2024 and
  • close at 8:00pm, 31 July 2024.


Expressions of interest can only be submitted on the DPIRD SmartyGrants platform.

Further information on the three Industry Funding Schemes is available on the IFS website  or by emailing

Expressions of interest must include:

  1. completion of the SmartyGrants application form, which includes addressing the selection criteria.
  2. an indication of which committees you are interested in (you can apply for more than one)
  3. uploading of your current resume or entering this information into the form provided in SmartyGrants, including:
    • current employer and position
    • work history and voluntary involvement relevant to committee position
    • qualifications/training
    • other committee/board experience (if relevant)
    • current contact details of two referees.