Cacatua pastinator pastinator
Muir's Corella, Western Corella (Lake Muir subspecies).
Declared Pest - s22(2)
Declared pests must satisfy any applicable import requirements when imported, and may be subject to an import permit if they are potential carriers of high-risk organisms. They may also be subject to control and keeping requirements once within Western Australia.
C1 - Exclusion / Exempt
Organisms which should be excluded from part or all of Western Australia.
- Areas of the state where not naturally occurring (excluding listed C3 areas).
C3 - Management / Exempt
Organisms that should have some form of management applied that will alleviate the harmful impact of the organism, reduce the numbers or distribution of the organism or prevent or contain the spread of the organism.
- Southwest Land Division where not naturally occuring
- Boyup Brook (S),
- Cranbrook (S),
- Manjimup (S).