
Western Australia has a reputation for producing healthy livestock free from diseases and residues that could harm human health or damage our ability to sell livestock within Australia or overseas.

The Western Australian Horticulture Update, 2018 took place on Thursday August 16 and Friday August 17, 2018 at the Crown Convention Centre, Perth.

Hay, silage, pasture, and feeds that contains annual ryegrass may cause annual ryegrass toxicity (ARGT). Samples can be tested for ARGT risk by the DPIRD Diagnostic and Laboratory Services team (DDLS). The test is highly sensitive and provides a risk rating for potential toxicity.

The Department of Agriculture and Food, WA is working with the WA horticulture industry to respond to the detection of tomato potato psyllid, an exotic plant pest.

This is the first time the psyllid has been detected in Australia.

Jujubes are a new horticultural industry in Western Australia. This page provides an overview of propagation techniques.

The national 'Determining yield under frost – one degree at a time' project was a collaborative effort between the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD), Kalyx, Living Farm and University of Adelaide, with trial sites in Western Australia, South Australia and New South

Pigeon rotavirus was first detected in Western Australia as a result of investigation of a disease outbreak in racing pigeons in May and June 2016. Clinical signs in affected birds include depression, vomiting, diarrhoea, regurgitation and hunched postures.

Australian Truffle Pest & Disease Newsletter Issue 3 January 2017

Welcome to the third newsletter of the RIRDC/DAFWA project Pests and Diseases of Truffles and Their Host Trees in Australia, running from 29 May 2015 to 10 January 2019. This newsletter is an update of project activities and is produced twice each year of the project.

The State Government has made a $5 million investment in further Doppler technology as part of the $75 million Agricultural Infrastructure Investment Fund to provide complete Doppler radar coverage across the Western Australian grainbelt, to boost agribusiness decision-making capacity and improve

Many seasonal outlooks are available throughout the year for use in the South West Land Division (SWLD), which includes the Western Australian grainbelt.

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