The Lambing Planner is a simple tool that allows you to change a lambing date or a joining date to see the impacts of that on other key times in the reproductive year. It also features a short best-practice guide for lambing.
The olive lace bug, Froggattia olivinia, is native to eastern Australia. It has become established in the olive growing regions of Western Australia.
The wingless grasshopper (Phaulacridium vittatum) is a native insect widely distributed throughout the higher rainfall coastal areas of southern Australia. It is estimated to infest 20 000 square kilometres of pasture in the south-west of Western Australia.
Many new varieties of mandarins and tangors have become available in Western Australia with desirable traits for consumers such as few or no seeds and loose skin (easy peel).
Promoting your small business is essential.
Every small business should develop and maintain a brand and establish a unique selling point before choosing the best way to promote products to customers.
If you run livestock, whether on a small scale or commercially, you need a biosecurity plan.
Many new navel and Valencia orange varieties have become available in recent years and are currently being evaluated under West Australian conditions. Many are protected by Plant Breeder's Rights and the best are expected to replace some existing commercial varieties in future years.
Business planning doesn’t have to be an arduous, drawn out task — it can be a simple, straightforward process that has the potential to turn your enterprise into a more profitable success.
Good marketing happens when a business knows its brand, unique selling proposition and target market.
These three elements combined give you a powerful tool to drive more customers and most importantly, the right kind of customers to your business.
Whether you are a small landholder developing a small patch of paradise or starting a new enterprise, there are several government approvals required.
From clearing land to building a shed, various legislative controls exist to aid in the development of land use activities.