
Page last updated: Tuesday, 20 April 2021 - 2:24pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

The following fact sheets on cyclone are available to help owners and carers of animals prepare for emergencies. They are available as both a single sided fact sheet or with the Plan for Animal Welfare in Emergencies (PAWE) on the reverse side for printing at home. 

By completing a PAWE and including it in your cyclone survival plan, you can help ensure you make the best possible decisions to protect the safety of your animals. Ensure all members of your household/workplace are familiar with your cyclone plan at the start of each cyclone season.

Fact sheets

Cyclone PAWE

Cyclone - Companion animals | Companion animals + PAWE

Cyclone - Horses | Horses + PAWE

Cyclone - Livestock | Livestock + PAWE

Returning home after a cyclone

Further information on reporting animal cruelty is available.


Rick Bryant