Three-horned bedstraw eradication program 2013/14

Page last updated: Thursday, 12 March 2015 - 3:04pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Program expenditure

As part of the approved program, each landholder contributed some of their own time and resources to eradication of the weed on their property. However, the bulk of the funding for implementing the programs was provided by industry through the industry funding scheme. In addition, where an approved program resulted in a loss in farm production, the landholder was able to make an application for compensation from the scheme.

Under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Industry Funding Scheme (Grains) Regulations 2010, payments of compensation may be made for direct losses resulting from actions or measures taken under an approved program.

In 2013/14, two compensation claims were received by the Industry Management Committee. The claims were assessed, with advice from the Department of Agriculture and Food and independent sources, and offers were made to the two claimants, which were subsequently accepted.

Any compensation paid is separate to the Bedstraw Eradication Program; however, compensation claims are paid from funds collected by the Industry Funding Scheme.

2013/14 expenditure of the Bedstraw Eradication Program
Expense Cost ($)
Staff expenses 86 218
Supplies and services 70 305
Total 156 523
Compensation 131 244