Orange varieties for Western Australia

Page last updated: Friday, 13 November 2020 - 8:12am

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Valencia oranges

Valencia is the most extensively grown orange variety in the world and is thought to have come from Portugal. Trees are productive, large and vigorous with an upright growth habit. Fruit are medium size, have thin rind, mature late and keep well on the tree. The lateness of maturity means that the skin may re-green as temperatures increase towards summer. Valencias are most important for the juice market as the juice has excellent processing characteristics.

Many selections are available in Australia including Benyenda, Berri, Casey, Jenner, Keenan-3125, Keenan-3247 and Smith. More recently a range of new selections have been introduced from overseas and are currently under evaluation. These include low seeded selections such as Lavalle (seedless and late), McClean (seedless), Midknight Improved (seedless) and Weipe (seedless and early). Other new selections include Benny, Gusocora and Ruby (pink flesh).

Delta Valencia

Available through Auscitrus and local nurseries.

A selection of Valencia from South Africa that has few seeds and matures one to three weeks earlier than standard Valencia. Overseas information suggests that trees are more productive than Valencia and have slightly larger fruit. This has not been replicated at some Australian sites where size and yield have been an issue. This variety has had limited testing under WA conditions.

Midknight Valencia

Available through Auscitrus and local nurseries.

An early maturing Valencia selection from South Africa that has excellent juice content, flavour and very few seeds. It holds on the tree for as long as standard Valencias but fruit quality can decline. Some significant plantings of this variety have been made in WA in recent years and performance to date has been good.

A new selection of Midknight is currently under evaluation.

Ruby Valencia

Available through Variety Access Pty Ltd.

This is a late season Valencia variety which which was discovered on the Crocodile Valley Estate near Nelspruit in Mpumalanga, South Africa. It is reported to have originated as a branch mutation from an Olinda Valencia tree. It has pink coloured flesh somewhat similar to Cara Cara navel. It has some but not excessive seed numbers with local trials having fruit with up to six seeds. Fruit size in WA trials has been in the medium range to date.

Ruby is in the early stages of evaluation in Western Australia.

Ruby Valencia fruit cut to reveal pink/orange flesh colour
Fruit of Ruby Valencia after cutting revealing a pink/orange flesh colour.


Turkey Valencia

Available through Variety Access Pty Ltd.

This is an early season Valencia selection which has shown to be productive under West Australian conditions. It produces fruit with a distinctive ring around the stylar end. Fruit meet the Australian Standard from early to late August depending on the season and location grown. Fruit have some seeds with between one and four seeds per fruit being recorded in local testing.

Although the seed count is higher than for Midknight fruit matures earlier and trees crop consistently. No commercial plantings of this variety have been made in WA to this point.

Turkey Valencia
Turkey Valencia fruit on a young tree in Bindoon