Freedom of information

Page last updated: Monday, 19 August 2024 - 12:37pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Fees and charges

Application fees

Type of application Fee
Personal infomation Free of charge
Non-personal information $30

Personal information

There is no charge for requesting access to documents containing your personal information.

Non-personal information

Documents created by the department in the course of our functions and services are classified as non-personal information, that is, information that is not personal to you. If your application is for non-personal information there is a fixed $30 fee, which is required at the time of lodging your request. An application without the fee will be considered invalid and will not be processed until the payment is received.

Additional charges

In some circumstances, a fee may be charged to cover the costs of processing your application. Charges may be sought for consulting with third parties, compiling and preparing documents, making a decision about access, etc. These charges are as follows:

Type of charge Cost
  • Charge for time taken by staff dealing with the application

$30 per hour

  • Charge for access time supervised by staff

$30 per hour

  • Charge for photocopying per hour or pro rata for part of an hour of staff time

$30 per hour

  • Charge for photocopying per copy

$0.20 per copy

  • Charge for time taken by staff in transcribing information

$30 per hour