Gnangara Horticulture Water Use Efficiency Grants and Voucher Program

Page last updated: Wednesday, 26 June 2024 - 3:29pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Gnangara Horticulture Water Use Efficiency Voucher Program

The WA Government has made funding available for eligible commercial WA horticultural businesses to seek expert advice and planning from professional irrigation consultants. 

The purpose of the Gnangara Horticulture Water Use Efficiency Voucher Program (the Voucher Program) is to assist eligible commercial horticultural businesses to obtain written expert advice to develop a plan to implement water use efficiency measures on their property.  

Horticultural groundwater users that are subject to the 10 per cent reduction to abstraction from 2028 under the Gnangara Groundwater Allocation Plan can access vouchers of up to $5,000 to engage qualified irrigation professionals to audit their properties, design efficient irrigation systems, and provide written advice on technologies, soil amendments and cropping strategies to improve water use efficiency within their enterprise.

Advice may include:

  • Modifications to irrigation systems that increase the distribution uniformity;
  • Changing from sprinkler to drip irrigation;
  • Purchase and implementation of soil and/or crop sensor technology; crop monitoring equipment and annual data hosting fees;
  • Installation of protected cropping options, which may include greenhouses, glasshouses, shade houses, windbreaks, or permanent netting;
  • Developing soil amelioration plans and options to improve soil health.

Growers also have the opportunity to access water use efficiency infrastructure and soil amelioration grants of up to $100,000 currently being offered by the government, to assist in implementing the water use efficiency advice/plan provided to them by the consultant under the Voucher Program.  For further information on the water use efficiency grants program, see the Horticulture water use efficiency grants program guidelines.

The Voucher Program will close on 30 June 2025 or when funds are fully committed.

Applications will be assessed in the order they are submitted.

Objectives of the Voucher Program

The objective of the Voucher Program is to deliver productivity benefits by increasing water use efficiency, by eligible horticultural businesses obtaining written advice on any or all of the following technologies including:

  • Modifications to irrigation systems that increase the application of water distribution uniformity;
  • Changing from sprinkler to drip irrigation;
  • Purchase and implementation of soil and/or crop sensor technology; crop monitoring equipment and annual data hosting fees;
  • Installation of protected cropping options, which may include greenhouses, glasshouses, shade houses, windbreaks, or permanent netting;
  • Developing soil amelioration plans and options to improve soil health.

Who is eligible to apply?

To help decide whether you are eligible to apply for funds under the Voucher Program, you should fit the following criteria: 

  • I am a commercial producer with a water licence and a right to take and use water for an established horticultural business in one of the following groundwater subareas of the Gnangara groundwater allocation plan area in Western Australia –  Carabooda, Neerabup, Nowergup, Bandy Spring, Carramar, Cockman Bluff, East Swan, Lake Mungala, Neaves, North Swan, Pinjar, Radar, Reserve, South Swan, Swan Valley, Wanneroo Wellfield or Yanchep, Western Australia (see map in documents section of this webpage for eligible areas): and 
  • My business is conducted on land identified as an eligible area in the map provided and my licensed groundwater use is subject to a 10 per cent reduction from 2028 under actions detailed in the 2022 Gnangara Groundwater Allocation Plan.

To receive a rebate under the Voucher Program you must demonstrate that you meet the eligibility criteria see page 5 of  the Horticulture Water Use Efficiency Voucher Program Guidelines 2024 in the documents section of this webpage.

How to apply

Applications are now open.

Your application will need to be submitted online via the SmartyGrants platform.

If the department requires additional information to assess your application, we will contact you by email or phone to discuss the request.  Applicants will need to provide requested information within five (5) business days. Failure to provide requested information within five (5) business days may result in the application being declined.

For all enquiries relating to the program contact 

Hands holding drip irrigation system.
Drip irrigation system.