Western Australia’s seed import requirements

Page last updated: Monday, 2 October 2023 - 8:04am

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Quarantine inspection services - contacts

ACT - Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate - Environment
13 22 81

NSW - Department of Primary Industries, +61(0)2 6391 3100

NT -     Department of Primary Industry and Resources , +61 (0)8 8999 2118 | quarantine@nt.gov.au

QLD - Department of Agriculture and Fisheries,+61 (0) 7 3404 6999 | callweb@daff.qld.gov.au

SA -     Primary Industries and Regions South Australia, +61 (0)8 8207 7900 | pirsa.planthealth@sa.gov.au

TAS - Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania +61 (0)3 6777 2146 | biosecurity.tasmania@dpipwe.tas.gov.au

VIC - Agriculture Victoria, 13 61 86 | plant.standards@agriculture.vic.gov.au

Contact information

Quarantine WA Imports - Seeds