
PestFacts WA

Use the PestFax Reporter app to report and identify pests and diseases this season

The newly released PestFax Reporter app was a big hit in 2016 with more than 270 reports and many fantastic photos being submitted via this app. The PestFax team encourages the WA agricultural industry to exceed this number of reports this season!

We are also keen to receive more fabulous photos of insects, diseases and other crop and pasture disorders.

The PestFax Reporter app has been designed so users can quickly and easily report or identify any pests, diseases, weeds and other damage, such as frost directly from the paddock. The more reports that are received the more forewarned growers and consultants are of emerging pest issues in their areas. Reporting both the presence and absence of common disease or pests multiple times is encouraged so that a more detailed picture of the distribution and severity of a problem can be built up.

Where do I find the app?

It is a free app that is available for download from iTunes or Google Play.

How do I make a report?

Easy drop down selection lists help you to enter your information. You only need to enter the crop type and the problem and send the report. Any extra information about the situation that you can add, such as variety, growth stage of the crop and severity of the problem, will be appreciated

Screenshot of PestFax Reporter app's selection screen.
The PestFax Reporter app's selection screen
What if I do not know what the insect or disease is?

Fill out as many drop down fields as you can and in the Comments section say that you require identification or add any extra information.

Users can upload a maximum of three photos. This is an easy process where you can take a photo during the report or attach a photo taken earlier. If you are not happy with the photo, press on the image to delete it and take it again. It is helpful if users can fill out any other information about the paddock scenario to assist DAFWA experts.

In the “Would you like a reply?” section select the email icon or phone icon to request an email or telephone reply/diagnosis from a DAFWA expert.

Screenshot of PestFax Reporter app's photo upload screen.
The PestFax Reporter app's photo upload screen
How long does it take to fill out a report?

When used to the app reports can take as little as 20 seconds. If reporting the same insect or disease multiple times past reports can be updated with new information and submitted, saving even more time.

Do I need mobile coverage to submit reports?

No, users do not need mobile coverage. Fill out your report, click “Send” and your phone will send it automatically when you return to an area with coverage.

Why should I bother reporting common insects and diseases?

Every report received is displayed on the PestFax map and helps build a comprehensive picture of cropping issues during the season. This helps growers, industry and the department to react quickly and with appropriate information to manage crop constraints.

For instructions on using the app and more information visit the department’s PestFax reporter page.

For more information contact Art Diggle, Senior Research Officer, South Perth on +61 (0)8 9368 3563.