Gnangara Horticulture Water Use Efficiency Grants and Voucher Program

Page last updated: Wednesday, 26 June 2024 - 3:29pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

The WA Government is providing funding for eligible commercial WA horticultural businesses for a suite of water use efficiency activities. This initiative will support horticultural groundwater users that are subject to the 10 per cent reduction to abstraction from 2028 under the Gnangara groundwater allocation plan.

The funding consists of grants to implement water use efficiency activities and a voucher program to engage a water efficiency expert for specialist advice to develop a plan to implement water use efficiency measures. See details below and in the guidelines. 

Eligible activities for water use efficiency grants and vouchers are:

Efficiency activities Grants to implement water use efficiency infrastructure.

Grants to implement soil amelioration activities.

Voucher program to obtain expert advice on water use efficiency. 

Funding available

Up to $100,000 per applicant, based on grower contribution.

Up to $100,000 per applicant, based on grower contribution.

Up to $5,000 per applicant

Total funds



Co-contributions sliding scale

Grower contributions have been reduced. See the table below for details of the new contributions.

Total project value

Government contribution rate

Grower contribution rate

Government cumulative contribution (max)

Grower cumulative contribution (max)

0 to 10,000





10,001 - 20,000





20,001 - 30,000





30,001 - 40,000





40,001 - 50,000





50,001 - 180,000



$40,000 - $100,000

$20,000 - $80,000

180,001 and above





A tool is available for growers to determine their contribution on the total value of their project. See the Excel document in the 'documents' section of this webpage. 

Gnangara Horticulture Water Use Efficiency Grants Program

The Grants Program opened on Tuesday 7 December 2021 and will close on 30 June 2025, or when funds are fully committed. Applications will be assessed in the order they are submitted.

To help decide whether you are eligible to apply for funds under the Grants Program, you should fit the following criteria: 

  • I am a commercial producer with a water licence and a right to take and use water for an established horticultural business in one of the following groundwater subareas of the Gnangara groundwater allocation plan area in Western Australia –  Carabooda, Neerabup, Nowergup, Bandy Spring, Carramar, Cockman Bluff, East Swan, Lake Mungala, Neaves, North Swan, Pinjar, Radar, Reserve, South Swan, Swan Valley, Wanneroo Wellfield or Yanchep, Western Australia (see attached map in documents section of this webpage for eligible areas): and 
  • My business is conducted on land identified as an eligible area in the attached map and my licensed groundwater use is subject to a 10 per cent reduction from 2028 under actions detailed in the 2022 Gnangara Groundwater Allocation Plan.

To receive a grant for water use efficiency infrastructure or soil amelioration activities under the Grants Program you must demonstrate that you meet the eligibility criteria of the Horticulture Water Use Efficiency Grants Program Guidelines in the documents section of this webpage. 

Objectives of the program

The purpose of the Gnangara Horticulture Water Use Efficiency Grants Program is to assist primary producers with commercial horticulture businesses in the Gnangara groundwater allocation plan area to implement water use efficiency measures in their businesses.

Any of the following listed activities may be funded:

  • Modifications to irrigation systems that increase the distribution uniformity;
  • Changing from sprinkler to drip irrigation;
  • Purchase and implementation of soil and/or crop sensor technology; crop monitoring equipment and annual data hosting fees;
  • Installation of protected cropping options, which may include greenhouses, glasshouses, shade houses, windbreaks, or permanent netting;
  • Soil amelioration strategies and inputs.

Who is eligible to apply?

To be eligible to apply, you will need to demonstrate:

  • you own, share-farm or lease a property that you use for commercial horticulture production (lessee of property must provide landlord consent in writing)
  • your commercial horticultural property is located in the eligible groundwater subareas (see map in Appendix 1), and is subject to the 10 per cent reduction to groundwater abstraction from 2028 under the 2022 Gnangara groundwater allocation plan
  • you conduct the majority of your primary production business in Western Australia
  • you operate as a sole trader, partnership, trust or private company
  • you hold a current Australian Business Number (ABN) and are registered for GST.
  • your business is a commercial primary production business (as defined by the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997).

How to apply

Applications are now open.

Your application will need to be submitted online via the SmartyGrants platform

  1. To submit an application for a Grant of up to $100,000 to implement water use efficiency infrastructure or soil amelioration activities go to Water Use Efficiency Grants  
  2. To submit an application for a Voucher of up to $5,000 to obtain expert advice on water use efficiency go to Water Use Efficiency Vouchers 

As funds are limited, applications will be assessed in the order they are submitted. Only one application per business will be accepted.

If additional information is required to assess your application, the department will contact you by email or phone to confirm/request what is required. Applicants will need to provide requested information within five (5) business days. Failure to provide requested information within five (5) business days may result in the application being declined.

By submitting an application, you are providing your agreement that should the department request to visit your business for audit purposes to inspect the irrigation infrastructure, you will allow them full access to the property and will provide any relevant information required by the auditor.

Irrigated horticulture crops
The Program aims to deliver productivity benefits by increasing water use efficiency using several technologies.