Australian plague locust: frequently asked questions

Page last updated: Monday, 27 June 2022 - 9:55am

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Welfare and counselling

What welfare and counselling services are available to the community?

A Rural Financial Counselling Officer can be contacted at the Rural Financial Counselling Service of Western Australia (RFCSWA) on the freecall number 1800 612 004 or the RFCSWA website.

Health concerns

What are the health effects from spraying for locusts?

There are a number of insecticides registered for the control of locusts. All these insecticides are registered by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA). The APVMA is the national independent statutory authority with responsibility for the regulation of pesticides and agricultural and veterinary medicines up to the point of retail sale.  APVMA has responsibility for determining, through a detailed assessment process, that a chemical is safe to users, consumers, the environment and trade, before it is registered for use in Australia. Therefore by following the registered label directions, these insecticides can be used safely. If you do have any specific health concerns about locust spraying contact your doctor or the Health Department. Further information can be found on the APVMA’s website.

Urban concerns

Is it safe to drive through areas when locusts are swarming?

Yes. However, caution should be exercised, when locusts are flying, windscreens can become fouled very quickly reducing driver vision. If you intend regularly driving in areas where locusts are flying, you should have mesh placed over your car radiator to stop damage and the engine over-heating. Motorists are advised to wash their windscreen regularly with warm soapy water.

Further information

Where do I find more information?

For further information, search the department's website, or contact the Pest and Disease Information Service.

Important contacts

Contact information

Pest and Disease Information Service (PaDIS)
+61 (0)8 9368 3080