Useful contacts for small landholders

Page last updated: Wednesday, 11 September 2019 - 1:17pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

State Government Departments

Local Government Authority (LGA)

Your local council or shire office should be your first point of call for livestock stocking rates, fire preparedness and burning off, rates, the ranger, challenges with neighbours, starting a business and any other major activities you have planned, such as building.

Bureau of Meteorology Western Australia

For information about weather warnings, weather observation, forecasts and climate visit the Bureau of Meteorology website.

Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety - Worksafe

WorkSafe is a division of the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safetly and its role is the regulation of workplace safety and health in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 (the OSH Act). On the website you can find some safety factsheets relevant to farms and small properties.

Department of Environment and Regulation (DER)

If you want to clear land you will need to contact DER to get information about clearing permits. You can also find out more about contaminated sites, illegal dumping, noise, pollution and other environmental issues.

Department of Fire and Emergency Service (DFES)

The Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) (formerly the Fire and Emergency Services Authority of WA) performs a critical role coordinating emergency services for a range of natural disasters and emergency incidents threatening life and property.

DFES works together with the community and government to prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from a diverse range of emergencies.

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development - Fisheries

The DPIRD's Fisheries sector is responsible for the sustainable development of the State’s fisheries. This department is involved in licence regulation and information relating to recreational and commercial fishing. They are also responsible for pearling and fresh water aquaculture.

If you are interested in starting an aquaculture enterprise contact DPIRD - fisheries for more information on resources required for aquaculture, species in production and other information relating to the industry.

Department of Health (DoH)

The Department of Health has information relating to food businesses, labelling and environmental health. If you are a food business owner you will need to know about your responsibilities when producing and packaging food.

Department of Biodiversity, Conservatio and Attractions - Parks and Wildlife Service

The DBCA Parks and Wildlife Service has information on nature-based recreation and tourism, forest management, sustainability, environmental education, pollution prevention, management and protection.

On the website you can also find a useful tool called florabase to assist you with identifying native species for your area and their distribution.

Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage - Planning

The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage has statewide responsibility for the planning for future communities. Your local government authority (LGA) will work with DPLH to implement and review planning schemes. It is therefore important if you are planning on undertaking future development on your property to seek information from your LGA or DPLH office.

Department of Water and Environmental Regulation

The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation is involved in measurement and allocation of the state's water resources. It sets the rules for the extraction of water, management of waterways and for water service providers. These roles are supported by legislation.


Landgate provides land information and geographic data relating to property details, maps, valuation and more.

Small Business Development Corporation (SBDC)

For information on workshops and advice on how to start, manage and build your business speak with the staff at the Small Business Development Corporation. Information on a wide variety of topics which you can find out about include marketing, planning and structures, employing people, exporting and importing, growing a business, money, tax and legal.