The inaugural Western Australian Craft Beer Strategy is a 10-year roadmap to grow the State’s craft beer sector. The industry-led strategy aims to boost production, with the ambitious goal of tripling either the volume or value of locally produced beer over ten years.
The iOS and Android versions of DPIRD’s Weather Stations app (also known as DAFWA Weather Stations) are no longer supported by the Apple and Google app stores and will be permanently retired on 16 February 2024. After this date, the app will cease to function.
Ovine Observer #101 December 2023
In this issue:
1. Predicting lambing dates using ewe-ram interactions
2. Preliminary evaluation of the impact of visual traits on lifetime ewe performance
3. 2023 Southern WA sheep reproductive rates based on pregnancy scanning
4. A big thank you to participants in...
This page provides pastoralists with information to support them in a very dry year, in the southern rangelands of Western Australia.
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPRID) Aboriginal Economic Development (AED) Program is designed to facilitate sustainable and lasting increases to Aboriginal economic participation.
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development's (DPIRD) Aboriginal Economic Development (AED) program lays the building blocks for a new approach to AED in WA.