Plants that grow on salt affected land in Australia – SALTdeck cards

Page last updated: Wednesday, 2 September 2020 - 8:08am

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

SALTdeck cards were produced to aid plant identification and help Australian land managers choose likely plants for their situation. Additional information is now available for many of these species on other Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development web pages, and on the internet.

The SALTdeck series

Although produced in 2006, the SALTdeck cards still have good images for identification. Note that the taxonomy of several plants has changed, and where there are multiple subspecies, the information may not be the same for all subspecies found across Australia. Always check with your local plant specialists or herbarium for accurate identification.

Links from the common name open the original SALTdeck cards. Links from the scientific name open FloraBase (Western Australian) web pages or other plant taxonomy sites.

Other species can be found growing on salt affected land. See salinity tolerance of plants for agriculture and revegetation for a more comprehensive – although still incomplete – list of species with salinity tolerances.

Comments on the plants

Alien means that the plant has been introduced from outside of Western Australia, and may have become naturalised (grows and reproduces in competition with native flora or other alien plants).

Forage value is a generalised term about the value to grazing or browsing livestock for protein and metabolisable energy. Some plants – for instance, Rhodes grass – have high forage value when young and actively growing, and very low forage value when mature and dry. Some of the plants – for instance, the saltbushes – have their best forage value in combination with other forage plants. Some plants are highly attractive to browsers, but have low digestibility. If forage value is important, send a plant sample to a laboratory for forage value analysis.

Plant types

Grasses that grow on salt affected land

Table 1 Grasses that grow on salt affected land
Common name Scientific name Salt tolerance Waterlogging tolerance Comments
Annual ryegrass Lolium rigidum moderate low alien, high forage value
Australian saltgrass Distichlis distichophylla high high native, low to moderate forage value
Barley grass Hordeum leporinum low to moderate low to moderate alien, naturalised, moderate forage value
Beard grass Polypogon monspeliensis moderate to high moderate to high alien, naturalised
Common couch Cynodon dactylon moderate moderate native, moderate forage value
Curly ryegrass Parapholis incurva high high alien, naturalised, moderate forage value
Distichlis Distichlis spicata moderate to high high alien, forage information limited
Italian ryegrass Lolium multiflorum moderate low alien, high forage value
Kikuyu Cenchrus clandestinus (syn. Pennisetum clandestinum) low moderate alien, high forage value
Marine couch Sporobolus virginicus moderate to high high native, moderate forage value
Prairie grass Bromus catharticus low low alien, naturalised, moderate forage value
Puccinellia Puccinellia ciliata high high alien, naturalised, moderate forage value
Rhodes grass  Chloris gayana low low to moderate alien, moderate to high forage value
Saltwater couch Paspalum vaginatum moderate to high high native in part of range, naturalised elsewhere, forage information limited
Sea barley grass Hordeum marinum high low to moderate alien, naturalised, moderate forage value
Tall wheat grass Thinopyrum ponticum low to moderate low to moderate alien, naturalised, moderate to high forage value
Windmill grass Chloris truncata low low native, moderate forage value
Yorkshire fog Holcus lanatus low to moderate low to moderate alien, naturalised, moderate forage value

Legumes that grow on salt affected land

Table 2 Legumes that grow on salt affected land
Common name Scientific name Salt
Balansa clover Trifolium michelianum low to moderate moderate alien, high forage value
Barrel medic Medicago truncatula low to moderate low alien, high forage value
Burr medic Medicago polymorpha low to moderate low to moderate alien, high forage value
Gland clover Trifolium glanduliferum moderate moderate alien, high forage value
Persian clover Trifolium resupinatum low to moderate high alien, high forage value
Strawberry clover Trifolium fragiferum moderate moderate alien, high forage value
Woolly clover Trifolium tomentosum low to moderate low to moderate alien, moderate to high forage value

Herbs that grow on salt affected land

Table 3 Herbs that grow on salt affected land
Common name Scientific name Salt tolerance Waterlogging tolerance Comments
Buckshorn plantain Plantago coronopus moderate moderate alien, naturalised, moderate forage value
Bushy starwort Symphyotrichum subulatum var. squamatum (syn. Aster squamatus; Symphyotrichum squamatum) moderate low alien, naturalised, weed
Creeping brookweed Samolus repens high high native, low forage value
Glasswort, beaded samhire Salicornia quinqueflora (syn. Sarcocornia quinqueflora) high high native, low forage value
Ice plant Mesembryanthemum crystallinum moderate low alien, low forage value
Pigweed, purslane Portulaca oleracea moderate low native in part of range, naturalised elsewhere, low forage value, may be toxic
Salt sand spurrey Spergularia marina high low to moderate native, low forage value
Smooth heliotrope Heliotropium curassavicum moderate moderate native, weed, toxic

Crassula sieberiana. In Western Australia, this was probably Crassula sieberiana subsp. tetramera which is now Crassula tetramera

moderate moderate native, low forage value
Streaked arrowgrass Triglochin striata high high native, low to moderate forage value
Water buttons Cotula coronopifolia high high native, low forage value, may be toxic

Rushes that grow on salt affected land

Table 4 Rushes that grow on salt affected land
Scientific name Common name Salt tolerance Waterlogging tolerance Comments
Spiny rush Juncus acutus moderate moderate to high alien, naturalised, weed, very low forage value
Toad rush Juncus bufonius moderate moderate to high alien, weed, low forage value

Shrubs that grow on salt affected land

Table 5 Shrubs that grow on salt affected land
Common name Scientific name Salt tolerance Waterlogging tolerance Comments
Black roly poly Sclerolaena deserticola (syn. Sclerolaena muricata) moderate low native, low forage value
Creeping saltbush Atriplex semibaccata moderate low native, low to moderate forage value, halophyte
Groundsel bush Baccharis halimifolia moderate to low moderate to low alien, weed, may be toxic
Old man saltbush Atriplex nummularia moderate low native, moderate forage value, halophyte
Orache Atriplex prostrata moderate moderate native, low to moderate forage value, halophyte
Rhagodia Rhagodia spp. moderate low native, low forage value
River saltbush Atriplex amnicola moderate to high moderate native, moderate forage value, halophyte
Ruby saltbush Enchylaena tomentosa moderate low native, low forage value, varieties
Samphire Tecticornia spp. (syn.Halosarcia spp.) very high very high native, low forage value
Small-leaved bluebush Maireana brevifolia moderate low native, moderate forage value, toxic
Wavy-leaf saltbush Atriplex undulata moderate moderate to low native, moderate forage value, halophyte

Trees that grow on salt affected land

Table 6 Trees that grow on salt affected land
Common name Scientific name Salt tolerance Waterlogging tolerance Comments
Golden wreath wattle Acacia saligna moderate for short periods native, low to moderate forage value (varieties)


Contact information

Ed Barrett-Lennard
+61 (0)8 9368 3798